Thursday, 7 June 2012

Final Performance - strengths and weaknesses

The final performance went really well, after all the stress and panic a couple of weeks before it was a great show.
Everything from costume to props looked great. I think on the night everyone got into their character a little bit more than in rehearsals this might of been down to having a real audience and not other members of the class watching.

Chorus - I thought as a chorus we worked well together - helping out with each others cue backstage to fixing a costume (i.e tulip heads!!) I thought the volume of our singing was much better than in rehearsals and our acting was a lot better, for example the nurses and patients scene was really good and I got good feedback from this from people from the audience.

Strengths -

  • worked well as a production - all the elements for a good production were brought together such as lighting music costume props acting singing dancing.
  • I personally stayed focus throughout the show - knowing when i was on and when i needed to be off stage.
  • I stayed in character when acting as a nurse in the hospital and showed my characteristics
Weaknesses -

  • The audience wasn't as big as expected on the first night this could have made everyones confidance low and the performance may not of been as good as it should of been.
  • On the first night the performance ran slow due to that day was our first run through on the stage and in the space.
  • We had to change some of the choreography on the night of the performance which got confusing as we only ran through it once before we had to start the show

Rehearsal Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths -

  • I picked up on the songs quickly which helped with my overall confidence to the final performances.
  • I took direction well from my tutors and kept concentration while this was happening
  • worked well with new members of the group for example the performing arts
Weaknesses -
  • There were sometimes when the chours didn't have a tutor telling us what to do and sometime we would not take action into our own hands and rehears the songs while we had nothing else to do
  • i couldnt attend any extra rehearsals due to work