Thursday 7 June 2012

Final Performance - strengths and weaknesses

The final performance went really well, after all the stress and panic a couple of weeks before it was a great show.
Everything from costume to props looked great. I think on the night everyone got into their character a little bit more than in rehearsals this might of been down to having a real audience and not other members of the class watching.

Chorus - I thought as a chorus we worked well together - helping out with each others cue backstage to fixing a costume (i.e tulip heads!!) I thought the volume of our singing was much better than in rehearsals and our acting was a lot better, for example the nurses and patients scene was really good and I got good feedback from this from people from the audience.

Strengths -

  • worked well as a production - all the elements for a good production were brought together such as lighting music costume props acting singing dancing.
  • I personally stayed focus throughout the show - knowing when i was on and when i needed to be off stage.
  • I stayed in character when acting as a nurse in the hospital and showed my characteristics
Weaknesses -

  • The audience wasn't as big as expected on the first night this could have made everyones confidance low and the performance may not of been as good as it should of been.
  • On the first night the performance ran slow due to that day was our first run through on the stage and in the space.
  • We had to change some of the choreography on the night of the performance which got confusing as we only ran through it once before we had to start the show

Rehearsal Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths -

  • I picked up on the songs quickly which helped with my overall confidence to the final performances.
  • I took direction well from my tutors and kept concentration while this was happening
  • worked well with new members of the group for example the performing arts
Weaknesses -
  • There were sometimes when the chours didn't have a tutor telling us what to do and sometime we would not take action into our own hands and rehears the songs while we had nothing else to do
  • i couldnt attend any extra rehearsals due to work

Thursday 24 May 2012

Other Roles

During the performance I am also in many different scenes and dances, such as;

Mind heist - dancing

I am the very model of a pychopharamacoligist - singing and dancing
(Character explained in role one)

Alice is the worm, wonderland her bird - singing and dancing
Character- Ruled by the red queen, she controls our movement

Crazy and you know it - signing and dancing
Character- Crazy energetic movement, at the mad hatter tea party

Tip toe through the tulips - dancing
(Character explained in role two)

Somewhere we belong - singing and dancing
Character- struggling to find what makes wonderland wonderful

The element song / sweet dreams - singing and gestures
Character- under Dr. Carroll's control. slow sharp movement, spooky aura

The bitter end - dancing
Character- Army defending their side, strong movement fierce face 

Living it up - singing and dancing
Character- celebrating the defeat of the red queen and the return of wonderland

Tuesday 22 May 2012

MALICE - Role two

Tulip -

My charateristics
  • Doppy flower
  • Very smiley
  • simple actions
  • The set choerography
  • using the prop - a stick
  • making a gaurd with the stick to lock alice out
Songs danced to and sang

Tiptoe through the tulips - tiny tim


Wearing a tulip flower head on out head possibly with a green outfit

MALICE - Role one

Being in the chorus  I get to do many different roles in the performance such as

A nurse at Dr. Carrol's hospital

My characteristics -
  • Concerned about the patients 
  • Looks up to Dr. Carrol
  • easily pushed over by The Dr.
  • Snooty looking
My common actions
  • reasuring the patients - making sure they are okay
  • following the patients back to their correct chair
  • Holding alice down while as Dr. carrol has orded me too
Songs Sang in this charatcer -

  • I am the very model of a psychopharmacologist.
  • Sweet Dreams.

Costume -
Nurses from 1870 - when lewis carrol wrote alice's adventures in wonderland
Nurse from 1951 when alice in wonderland walt disney was created


Role  - 
The chorus ( the 22 )

Purpose of the role -
 "The purpose of a chorus is to help the actors role become more emphasized throughout the play. The chorus has a few actions here and there and sometimes they have a dance at some stages."
A chorus came from greek theatre, The chorus was a central feature of Greek drama. The chorus was composed of similarly costumed men on the dancing floor ("orchestra"), located beneath the stage. The chorus was in the orchestra for the duration of the performance to observe and comment on the action of the actors.

 - A chorus of a theatre production

Monday 21 May 2012

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths -
  • We fount the song easy to do as we already knew most of the words
  • It was a good song to do as we both got a chance to sing on our own and together
  • We were able to put some choreography with the song
  • The chorus was easy to pick up

Weaknesses -
  • It was hard to remember all the words and to know when you were meant to come in as they were short lines with only a few words.
  • Fount it hard to take seriously some times as its such a cheesy song
  • we had to look at the lyrics alot when rehearsing