Thursday 24 May 2012

Other Roles

During the performance I am also in many different scenes and dances, such as;

Mind heist - dancing

I am the very model of a pychopharamacoligist - singing and dancing
(Character explained in role one)

Alice is the worm, wonderland her bird - singing and dancing
Character- Ruled by the red queen, she controls our movement

Crazy and you know it - signing and dancing
Character- Crazy energetic movement, at the mad hatter tea party

Tip toe through the tulips - dancing
(Character explained in role two)

Somewhere we belong - singing and dancing
Character- struggling to find what makes wonderland wonderful

The element song / sweet dreams - singing and gestures
Character- under Dr. Carroll's control. slow sharp movement, spooky aura

The bitter end - dancing
Character- Army defending their side, strong movement fierce face 

Living it up - singing and dancing
Character- celebrating the defeat of the red queen and the return of wonderland

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